Cryptocoryne ×willisii Reitz |
Click on the picture to get the full image (ca. 50 kB) |
The most common type of C. ×willisii kept in aquaria. Typical is the yellow throat which extends a bit on the limb, making the
collar very pronounced.
coll. hort., cult AB
photo Boorsma |
A rather dark limb. Note the structure of the limb. Note also that the
twist of the limb has a left turn (corkscrew). This can vary in one specimen.
coll. hort., cult. B 668
An even darker colored specimen, with a right turn. Note that the leaves
can have some brownish on the veins.
coll. hort., cult. W
photo van Wijngaarden |
Though C. ×willisii is not
always easy to flower, one can have several flowers at the same time. For experiments on
crossing an ideal situation.
coll. hort., cult. B 668 |
The former C. lucens is regarded now as one of the
many hybrids in the C. ×willisii complex.
The color of the limb of the spathe may vary to grayish pink. The leaves are mostly more
coll. hort., cult. B 588 |
A specimen which must be regarded as C. ×willisii. The leaves are quite normal, but the spathe does
resemble C. beckettii. Collected near Halloluwa
(Sri Lanka).
coll. NJ 23-5
photo Jacobsen
The same plant as pictured at left was already in culture for
some time and is easy to cultivate.
coll. hort., cult. B 639 |
A very distinct feature of this plant is that there are fine
red dots on the limb of the spathe.
coll. hort., cult. B 639 |
The former C.
coll. hort., cult. M
photo Möhlmann |
De Wit (1990)
gives this drawing of C. ×willisii.
drawing Ike Zewald
In the same book
this drawing of C. lucens.
drawing Ike Zewald |
Distribution of C. ×willisii on Sri Lanka. |
The most 'dramatic' change in the nomenclature of Cryptocoryne for the aquarist was
made in 1976 by Niels Jacobsen when he proposed to change the name of the very popular
aquariumplant C. nevillii into C. ×willisii (see the arguments on the C. nevillii page). Up to now there are even nurseries and wholesalers who still use the old name. As
things can be complicated, it turned out that the plant is a natural hybrid, so the right
name is spelled with a cross: C. ×willisii. The most common type seen in aquaria (in Europe) is the top left specimen with a rather
reddish limb and a yellow throat, and above the collar a narrow yellow rim. But they can
have an almost black limb of the spathe, see for example Rataj & Horemann (1977). Also C. lucens, described by De Wit (1962) is one of many variations seen in this
species. A great surprise to see are plants with leaves like a 'normal' C. willisii but with a spathe like a C. beckettii. This plant
too must be regarded as one of the many forms of C. ×willisii, where probably C. parva is one of the parents.
This subject is very interesting for hobbyists, one can 'synthesize' his own Crypts or he
can try to backcrossing the hybrids, looking for the parents. Niels Jacobsen made a lot of
crossings, but many more are wanted.
C. ×willisii grows in Sri Lanka in the Kandy
area. The plants are very easy to cultivate in an aquarium. Most forms do not flower as
easy as for example C. wendtii do.
Updated December 1997 |
- Alston, A.H.G., 1938. Cryptocoryne in: The Kandy Flora : 68, fig.363-367 (with
some drawings).
- Arends, J.C., Bastmeijer, J.D. & Jacobsen, N., 1982. Chromosome numbers and taxonomy
in Cryptocoryne (Araceae).II., Nord.J.Bot. 2 : 453-463.
- Eggers, G., 1994. Sri Lanka 2. Lagenandra- und Cryptocoryne-Arten. Aqua-Planta 1-94 :
- Graaf, A.de & Arends, J.C., 1986. The occurrence of Cryptocoryne and Lagenandra
(Araceae) on Sri Lanka. Nord.J.Bot. 6 : 757-764.
- Horst, K., 1986. Pflanzen im Aquarium. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
- Jacobsen, N., 1976. Notes on Cryptocoryne of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Bot.Notiser 129 :
- Jacobsen, N., 1977. Chromosome numbers and taxonomy in Cryptocoryne (Araceae), Bot.Notiser
130 : 71-87.
- Jacobsen, N., 1977. Zytologie und Taxonomie der Cryptocorynen Sri Lankas. Aqua-Planta 4-77
: 3-8 (cover).
- Jacobsen, N., 1981. Cryptocoryne undulata Wendt und Bemerkungen zu andere Arten.
Aqua-Planta 2-81 : 31-38 (cover).
- Jacobsen, N., 1981. Cryptocoryne undulata Wendt und Bemerkungen zu anderen Arten - ein
Nachtrag. Aqua-Planta 4-81 : 92-94.
- Jacobsen, N., 1982. Cryptocorynen. Alfred Kernen Verlag, Stuttgart.
- Jacobsen, N., 1987. Cryptocoryne in: A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon, Vol. VI:
- Kasselmann, C., 1995. Aquarienpflanzen. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
- Möhlmann, F., 1993. Die Cryptocoryne-Arten Ceylons (1). Aqua-Planta 4-93 : 123-128.
- Möhlmann, F., 1994. Die Cryptocoryne-Arten Ceylons (2). Aqua-Planta 1-94 : 34-39.
- Petch, B.A., 1928. Notes on Cryptocoryne. Annals R.Bot.Gard., Peradeniya : Vol.11 part 1 :
11-26, pl 2-5 (nice drawings).
- Rataj, K. & Horeman, T.J., 1977. Aquarium Plants. TFH Publ., USA (good pictures).
- Trimen, H., 1885. Notes on the Flora of Ceylon. J.Bot. 23 : 269.
- Wendt, A., 1958. Die Gattung Cryptocoryne Fischer. Die Aquariumpflanzen in Wort und Bild
(1952-1958), Stuttgart.
- Wit, H.C.D.de, 1962. Cryptocoryne lucens in: Nieuwe waterplanten. Meded.Bot tuinen en het Belmonte arboretum
WAG Vol VI-4 : 92-98.
- Wit, H.C.D.de, 1969. Cryptocoryne nevillii Trim. ex Hook.f.. Het Aquarium 39(11) :
- Wit, H.C.D.de, 1990. Aquarienpflanzen, 2. Auflage. Ulmer, Stuttgart.