Cryptocoryne auriculata Engler |
Cryptocoryne auriculata is immediately recognized by its rather thick, stiff leaves,
silvery green with dark markings. It is known from Sarawak where it grows on a few spots.
Click on the picture to get the full image (ca. 50 kB) |
C. auriculata from Sungai Entabei,
Sarawak with the typical markings on the upper side of the leaves.
photo Jacobsen |
The same collection as left. The limb of the
spathe bents forward. Note the green lower side of the leaves.
photo Jacobsen
A cultivated specimen (emersed) of C.
auriculata. Note the short,black purple limb. The collar is clearly visible.
photo Jacobsen |
A cultivated plant from unknown origin. The limb
is more or less twisted. Note the reddish tinge at the edge of the lower side of the
photo Jacobsen
A rather dark, upright spathe of C.
photo Jacobsen
Already in the 1970's, Ingo Hertel from Germany
flowered C. auriculata.
photo Schöpfel
A bit more reddish limb of the spathe. Note that
the limb bents forward.
photo Schöpfel
A length section of the lower part of the
spathe. The naked part of the spadix is very short.
photo Schöpfel
Biotope of C. auriculata where Sasaki
collected C. auriculata in 1999.
photo Sasaki
Opened kettle of C. auriculata. The
spadix is rather short. The tube inside is purple red colored.
photo Sasaki
Drawing of C. auriculata in de Wit
drawing Ike Zewald
Distribution of C. auriculata on
Though Cryptocoryne auriculata is well known from literature and is quite
often imported to Europe, the plant proved to be very difficult to cultivate. There are
very few reports on the flowering of this species. After a short time the species fades
away from cultivation. In nature, C. auriculata grows between stones (see the
whitish lower part of the petioles in the pictures at top), what indicates that the water
is running fast in the rainy season
Updated August 2014 |
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- Ridley, H.N., 1905. The Aroids of Borneo. J.Str.Br.Roy.As.Soc. 44 : 169-171.
- Sadilek, V., 1972. Neue Cryptocorynen VIII : Cryptocoryne auriculata Engler. DATZ 25 :
- Schöpfel, H., 1974. Der silbergrüne Wasserkelch, Cryptocoryne auriculata. Aq.& Terr.
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- Schulze, J., 1971. Cryptocorynen aus Sarawak I-IV. DATZ 24 : 230-233, 267-270, 303-306.
- Wit, H.C.D.de, 1959. Het genus Cryptocoryne 8. Het Aquarium 30(2) : 36-40.
- Wit, H.C.D.de, 1990. Aquarienpflanzen, 2. Auflage. Ulmer, Stuttgart. ISBN 3-8001-7185-6.