Cryptocoryne bangkaensis Bastmeijer |
(Document service) |
Cryptocoryne bangkaensis is known from Sumatra: the South Sumatra province and
the islands Bangka and Belitung. On Bangka it grows on some places together with C. longicauda Engler. From Belitung also C. fusca De Wit is known. The South Sumatra province
is hardly investigated in respect for Cryptocoryne- if still possible.
C. bangkaensis is characterized by its limb with a more or less bumped surface
with only protuberances on the margin of the limb, a narrow throat and a pronounced collar.
The limb is mostly recurved and not fully flattened and is finely dotted. There is a some
variation in the colour of the limb.
Click on the picture to get the full image (ca. 50 kB) |
The first picture of Cryptocoryne bangkaensis,
cultivated by Blass in 1959.
unknown locality, cult. Blass s.n.
photo Blass |
Because of the narrowed collar, the upper part
of the tube looks more or less bulgy.
coll. Waser 2001-3, cult. B 851
A bud and a developing fruit in C.
coll. Waser 2001-5, cult. B 853 |
Fredi Waser from Switzerland found C.
bangkaensis mixed with C. longicauda (foreground).
coll. Waser 2001-9 (type locality)
photo Waser
An emerged, under artificial light, cultivated
specimen of C. bangkaensis. The leaves are ovate and smooth ...
unknown locality, cult. B 395
... but may be cordate and bullate under
submerged/daylight conditions. Bangka.
coll. Waser 2001-9 (type locality)
cult. & photo Jacobsen
Bronze leaves with a reddish lower side ...
coll. Waser 2001-5
cult. & photo van Wijngaarden
... to brownish leaves.
coll. Sasaki I-BASJ1
cult. & photo Jacobsen
Variation in the limb |
coll. Waser 2001-3, cult. B 851
coll. Waser 2001-5, cult. B 853
coll. Waser 2001-5, cult B 853
coll. Waser 2001-9 (type), cult. B 857
coll. Sasaki I-BEAM-B
cult. & photo Jacobsen
coll. Sasaki I-BEKB, cult. B 934
coll. Sasaki I-BEPP, cult. B 947
unknown locality,
cult. B 395
A picture from the locality in Bangka.
coll. Waser 2001-4
photo Waser
A length cut of the whole spathe of C.
bangkaensis. The tube inside varies in colour from white to deep purple. Bangka.
coll. Waser 2001-4, cult. NJ
photo Jacobsen
A length cut through the limb. Note the narrow
collar. Bangka.
coll. Waser 2001-9 (type), cult. B 857
Preserved in alcohol, the spathe looses all
colour. After a short period of drying, the structure of the surface is clearly visible. Bangka.
coll. Waser 2001-9 (type), cult. B 857
Variations in the kettle of C. bangkaensis.
The kettle wall varies in colour from white to dark red.
coll. Waser 2001-5, cult B 853 |
The stigma's may be ovate, elliptic to more or
less triangular. Bangka.
coll. Waser 2001-5, cult. B 853
Appendix from white to purple. Bangka.
coll. Waser 2001-9 (type), cult B 857 |
Flap over the male flowers from white to
yellowish. Beliton.
coll. Sasaki I-BEPP, cult. B 947
Herbarium sheet of C. bangkaensis collected by Schulze in 1970, with a nice photograph of the limb of the spathe (WAG).
South Sumatra prov., coll. Schulze 665
photo Jacobsen |
The holotype of C. bangkaensis, bast
857 (L), cultivated from a by Waser collected plant. Bangka.
coll. Waser 2001-9 (type), cult. B 857
On the plate in deWit (1962, 1990) of C.
scurrilis, figures 4 and 5 are made from Blass' plant and actually refer to C.
drawing Ike Zewald |
Distribution of C. bangkaensis on
Sumatra (Indonesia). Plants from the South Sumatra province (Schulze's locality) were
never in cultivation.
C. bangkaensis is only in 2007 recognized as a new species and was up to that
time regarded as C. scurrilis De Wit (1962, 1990).
Thanks to the collections of Waser (CH) and Sasaki (JP), who made an exhaustive search on
the islands, the species was much better understood and it was clear that the spathe
did not match figure 3 in the plate from de Wit's description. Read the article by
Bastmeijer & Jacobsen (2007) in the Document
C.bangkaensis is not easy to grow in a normal aquarium. It grows well in an
more or less acid soil of for example beech tree litter.
Updated May 2007 |
- Arends, J.C., J.D. Bastmeijer. & N. Jacobsen, 1982, Chromosome
numbers and taxonomy in Cryptocoryne (Araceae).II. Nord.J.Bot. 2 : 453-463.
- Bastmeijer, J.D., 1989, Cryptocoryne scurrilis De Wit, Aqua-Planta 1-89 : 3-5.
- Bastmeijer, J.D. & N. Jacobsen, 2007, Cryptocoryne bangkaensis Bastmeijer, ein neuer
Name für eine gut bekannte Cryptocoryne von Sumatra (Indonesien). Aqua-Planta 32(2): 41,
44-55 (Document service).
- Jacobsen, N., 1982, Cryptocorynen, Alfred Kernen Verlag, Stuttgart.
- Kasselmann, C., 1995, Aquarienpflanzen, Ulmer, Stuttgart.
- Möhlmann, F., 1993, Ein wenig bekannter Wasserkelch: Cryptocoryne scurrilis De Wit.
Aquarium Heute 2-93 : 290-291.
- Rataj, K., 1975, Revision of the genus Cryptocoryne Fischer, Studie CSAV, c.3.Praha.
- Rataj, K. & T.J. Horeman, 1977, Aquarium Plants, TFH Publ, USA.
- Roe, C.D., 1967, A manual of aquarium plants, Shirley aquatics Ltd.
- Sasaki, Y., 2003. Cryptocoryne Centre Circle. Minima 3: 14-35.
- Wit, H.C.D.de, 1962, Nieuwe waterplanten, Meded.Bot tuinen en het Belmonte arboretum WAG
Vol VI-4 : 92-98.
- Wit, H.C.D.de, 1990, Aquarienpflanzen, 2. Auflage, Ulmer, Stuttgart