Cryptocoryne bogneri Rataj |
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The type of C. bogneri with the typical limb
which is slightly bent forwards.
coll. Bogner 484 (1973)
photo Bogner |
Another picture of the biotope where C. bogneri grows. The plant grows in very dark places in the forest.
coll. FW 90-1
photo Waser
Again the dark forest in the South West of Sri Lanka. Note
the rather round shaped, heart form based leaves in green to brown.
coll. FW 90-2
photo Waser |
The leaves are more or less glossy, in contrast to the dull
surface of C. alba or the sandpaper-like leaves of C. thwaitesii.
coll. FW 96
photo Waser
A view on the back of the limb of the spathe. The small tail
is at the end of the limb is sometimes less pronounced.
coll. FW 96
photo Waser
An emersed cultivated specimen of C. bogneri with a
rather short limb of the spathe. The limb is smooth, towards the edges a bit warty.
unknown coll., cult. NJ 2917
photo Jacobsen
The leaf coloring varies between green and brown. The bud is
like a upright spike with a dark tip.
coll. FW 02-1, cult B 861
The full spathe of C. bogneri. Note the short tube,
the absence of a collar and the warty margin of the limb.
coll. FW 02-1, cult B 861
The lower part of the spathe opened to show the male and the
female flowers.
coll. FW 02-1, cult B 861
The limb of the spathe with rough margins and top.No colour variations are known today.
coll.PB-SRL08-2, cult. NJ
photo Jacobsen
Detailed drawing of C. bogneri in de Wit (1990).The
leaves are less broad and the limb is rough only in the top.
drawing Ike Zewald
Distribution of C. bogneri in the South West of Sri
A rare Cryptocoryne from the South Western rainforest of Sri Lanka. There are only a few localities known where only a few plants were growing and it is probably the most threatened Cryptocoryne in Sri Lanka..
Compared to the other Cryptocoryne from the South Western part of
Sri Lanka, C. bogneri is the most difficult species to cultivate. C. thwaitesii is intermediate, while C. alba and C. waseri are relative easy to grow. As Kasselmann (2003)
pointed out, C. bogneri grows in water with a very low conductivity (EC =
22 muS/cm) and a moderate pH (5-7). My experience is that C. bogneri grows
reasonable well emersed in water with an conductivity of around 200 muS/cm and a pH of ca
5. C. bogneri is not suited for the
Updated July 2012
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- Kasselmann, C., 1995. Aquarienpflanzen. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
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- Möhlmann, F., 1977. Die ceylonesischen Cryptocoryne-Arten. Aqua-Planta 1-77 : 8-9.
- Möhlmann, F., 1993. Die Cryptocoryne-Arten Ceylons (1). Aqua-Planta 4-93 : 123-128.
- Mühlberg, H., 1980. Das grosse Buch der Wasserpflanzen. Dausien, Hanau.
- Rataj, K., 1975. Revision of the genus Cryptocoryne Fischer. Studie CSAV, c.3.Praha.
- Rataj, K. & Horeman, T.J., 1977. Aquarium Plants. TFH Publ", USA.
- Wit,H.C.D.de, 1975. Cryptocoryne alba de Wit (nov.sp.) en Cryptocoryne bogneri de Wit
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- Wit, H.C.D.de, 1990. Aquarienpflanzen, 2. Auflage. Ulmer, Stuttgart. ISBN 3-8001-7185-6.