Cryptocoryne consobrina Schott |
2006, Sunil rediscovered Cryptocoryne consobrina in the highlands of Karnataka, India at ca 1000 m. For some years, it was assumed that another plant found in 1981 in Calicut (Kerala)
represented C. consobrina. However a closer look by Josef Bogner lead him to
the conclusion that this was not true and in 2006 he described it as a new
species: C. sivadasanii. Be aware of this!
The pictures below represent the 'true' Cryptocoryne consobrina.
Click on the picture to get the full image (ca. 50 kB) |
Leaves narrow linear to lanceolate, smooth in emerged growth, length up to 80 cm!
coll. Sunil 4101
photo Sajeev |
Note the lower undulated submerged leaves with the spathe in the axil.
coll. Sunil 4101
photo Sajeev
Overall length of the spathe ca. 15 cm, with a distinct collar. The limb is warty, yellowish with purple spots.
coll. Sunil 4101
photo Sajeev |
The dark red coloured kettle with a constriction halfway, rhizome and roots and the fruit.
coll. Sunil 4101/4237
photo Sajeev
Herbarium specimen of C. consobrina
Nationaal Herbarium Leiden (L)
Though C. consobrina was already
described in 1857, a detailed drawing was first given in Fischer (1936).
De Wit (1990) mentions the the broad leaved form
in his book. This form is not found up to now.
drawing Ike Zewald
Distribution of C. consobrina in southern India
A striking feature of C. consobrina is the dimorphism in the leaves: undulated flaccid? submersed and longer, smooth, more or less broad stiff? emerged leaves.
M. Sivadasan was so kind to give me permission to use the photographs from the article.
Updated July 2012 |
- Bogner, J., 2004. Cryptocoryne sivadasanii (Araceae), a new
species from India. Willdenowia 34: 195-201.
- Engler, A., 1879. Cryptocoryne Fischer ex Wydler. DC Mon.Phan. II : 623-631.
- Engler, A., 1882. Aracee della Malesia e della Papuasia raccolte da O.Beccari. In
O.Beccari, Malesia 1 : 296-300, Abb. 27-28.
- Engler, A., 1920. (Cryptocoryne, Lagenandra in): Das Pflanzenreich IV.23.F. Araceae -
Aroideae : 232-249, Leipzig.
- Fischer, C.E.C., 1931. Cryptocoryne & Lagenandra in : Gamble, Fl.Pres. Madras :
- Fischer, C.E.C., 1936. Cryptocoryne consobrina Schott. Hook.Ic.Pl.Tab. 3305.
- Furtado, C.X., 1935. Araceae Malesicae. Gardens Bull.of the Straits Settlem. 8 : 145-148.
- Hooker, J.D., 1893. Cryptocoryne, Lagenandra in : Flora of British India 6 : 492-496.
- Jacobsen, N., 1982. Cryptocorynen. Alfred Kernen Verlag, Stuttgart.
- Rataj, K., 1975. Revision of the genus Cryptocoryne Fischer. Studie CSAV, c.3.Praha.
- Schott, H.W., 1857. Cryptocorynenskizze. Bonplandia 5(14) : 219-223.
- Schott, H.W., 1860. Cryptocoryne. Prod.Sys.Aroid. 14-19.
- Sunil, C.N. & M. Sivadasan, 2009. Rediscovery of Cryptocoryne consobrina, a little-known and suspected-to-be extinct species of Araceae of India. Aroideana, Vol. 32: 142-146.
- Sunil, C.N. & M. Sivadasan, 2009. Cryptocoryne consobrina Schott (Araceae), eine lang verschollene Art aus Indien. Aqua Planta 34(4): 135-140
- Wit, H.C.D.de, 1960. Het genus Cryptocoryne (13) [=14], Cryptocoryne consobrina Schott.
Het Aquarium 31(5) : 112-114.
- Wit, H.C.D.de, 1990. Aquarienpflanzen, 2. Auflage. Ulmer, Stuttgart. ISBN 3-8001-7185-6.
See also C. sivadasanii |