Variation in wild collected C,. albida growing close to each other in Ban Wagyon, Thailand.
coll. NJ 77-88
photo Jacobsen |
The locality at Ban Wagyon. Big Patches of C.
albida growing at the opposite side of the stream.
coll. NJ 77-88
photo Jacobsen
A big stand of C. albida at Ban Wagyon,
South of Ranong in Thailand.
coll. NJ 77-81
photo Jacobsen |
A cultivated plant of C. albida. Leave
size up to 20 cm. Note the slight indulated margin of the leave.
coll. & cult. NJ 77-81
photo Jacobsen
The spathe of C. albida. The limb is
typical broadened, the top a short spiral.
coll. unknown, cult. Wit 40819
photo de Wit
The markings on the limb in C. albida vary from lines to spots.
coll. & cult. NJ 77-81
photo Jacobsen
A rather narrow opened, twisted limb of the
spathe. Note the more line shaped markings on the limb.
coll. C1671-14, cult. NJ
photo Jacobsen
A brown leaved C. albida with a not yet
opened spathe. The leaves are widely undulated.
coll. unknown, cult. W 54
photo van Wijngaarden
A brown leaved C. albida. In
cultivation, the brown leaved forms turn green in low light levels.
coll. unknown, cult. de Wit
photo de Wit
Opened kettle of C.albida. In the
dissected part you see the small holes (alveoli) in the top of the kettle .
coll. C1671-14, cult. NJ
photo Jacobsen
From de Wit's Aquarienpflanzen a good picture of C. abida.
drawing Ike Zewald
Distribution of C. albida in Myanmar
and Thailand.
For reference to the other plants and the literature see the page on the crispatula group.
Updated June 2000 |