A tidal creek at low water in the peat swamps near Matang,
near Kuching, Sarawak.
photo Lo |
C. grabowskii growing in the swamps near Matang.
coll. CK 68
photo Kettner
Biotope near Pelaihari, SE of Banjarmasin, Kalimantan. Spathe with a pure yellow limb.
photo Hanrieder |
A small stream with a big patch of C. grabowskii south east Kalimantan.
coll. B-05
photo Budianto
A small river with slow running water near Sampit. The plants grow deep in the mud
coll. B-03
photo Wongso
A locality near Lundo in Sarawak
photo Lo
Near Sampit, central Kalimantan.Note the very dark limb of the spathe.
photo Waser
South of Banjarmasin airport .Several plants from one locality showing variation in the limb. The 'white' ones probably grew in full sun.
coll. SW-KL0305
Cultivated submerged in beech tree litter. The limb of the spathe a bit brownish
coll. TI B-06, cult. B 1003
photo Bastmeijer
More variation in the colouring of the limb. Note the the somewhat swollen collar zone (plant from the type locality, see below)
coll. TI A-04G, cult. TI
photo Idei
A rather short limb of the spathe, also a bit darker and more rough.
coll. YS I-PASC1, cult. B962
photo Bastmeijer
A long, smooth, red limb of the spathe.
coll. SW-KL0703, cult. B1178
photo Bastmeijer
Strong bullated leaves are rather rare in C. grabowskii but at a few localities they were found. In cultivation they maintain this character.
coll. Idei Kubu-B, cult.B 1002
photo Bastmeijer
Longitudinal section of the kettle. Only the top of the kettle is reddish.
coll. TI A-05, cult.B1007
photo Bastmeijer
Idem. This is more normal, a dense red zone in the upper part of the kettle. The lower part of the kettle wall is densely covered with purple-red dots.
YS I-SAKK2, cult B969
photo Bastmeijer
Very often the throat is more or less densely covered with red dots.
coll. SW KL0305-4, cult. B 1035
photo Bastmeijer
The typus of C. grabowskii was heavy damaged at the end of WW2, making it difficult to interpret.
coll. Grabowski s.n. (1881)
herbarium Berlin
The habitat - or what is left - of C. grabowskii at the type-locality was rediscovered by Idei..
coll. TI A-04G
photo Idei
The plants were still there and flowered.
coll. TI A-04G
photo Idei
Pollinator flies captured in the kettle (note the closed valve). Alcohol preserved spathe.
coll. TI A-04G
photo Bastmeijer
Herbarium sheet of C. grabowskii (as C. grandis) collected near Matang, Sarawak. Note the very long tube.
Coll. Haviland 2319
herbarium Singapore |
Drawing of C. grabowskii in de Wit (1990).
Coll. Korthals, Borneo, without specific locality, probably Banjarmasin (herbarium L).
drawing Ike Zewald
Drawing of the type of C. cordata var. zonata in de Wit (1990). This plant has all characters of C. grabowskii, only a bit smaller.
coll. Key s.n.
drawing Ike Zewald |
Known distribution of C. grabowskii.
There is lot of variation found in Cryptocoryne grabowskii, in leaf size and form, smooth to bullate, bright green to brownish in a continuous range. The spathe has usual a long tube but also short tubes are known. The limb may vary from bright yellow to dark purple, the throat with or without red dots. The kettle almost white inside to with a deep red zone in the upper part. That means that the 'typical' C. cordata var. zonata nicely fits in this range.
Cryptocoryne grabowskii can be
cultivated successfully emerged or submerged on leaf litter from the beech tree Fagus sylvatica, but more trees will be appropriate for that. The soil is vary acid and may go below pH 4. It is impossible to cultivate it in hard water as is usual for the aquarium.
See the cordata-group for more comparison and also for literature.
Updated May 2014 |