Cryptocoryne ideii grows in the dry
season on and near the banks in shallow water.
coll.Idei B-10A
photo Idei |
Hidden between the relatively long petioles an
'old' spathe can be seen.
coll.Idei B-10A
photo Idei
Fresh collected plants. The leaves are bright
green with a slight undulated margin.
coll.Idei B-10A
photo Budianto |
Three immature spathe's. Note the presence of
numerous cataphyls.
coll.Idei B-10A
photo Budianto
Fresh collected spathe's of C. ideii.
coll.Idei B-10A
photo Idei
Idem, with opened kettle.
coll.Idei B-10A
photo Idei
After opening of the spathe, the limb may be
more or less upright.
coll.Idei B-10A
photo Idei
Idem, note again the relative long petioles of
the plant.
coll.Idei B-10A
photo Idei
A fresh collected plant with an unopened spathe.
coll.Idei B-10A
photo Budianto
Potted plants develop well in this clayish soil.
coll.Idei B-10A, cult, Budianto
photo Budianto
A close up of a single spathe with the limb bend
backwards. The shiny part in the throat is the collarzone.
coll.Idei B-10A, cult, Budianto
photo Budianto
A cultivated C. ideii with the kettle
coll.Idei B-10A, cult, Budianto
photo Budianto
A cultivated plant. The spathe is hardly to be
seen. Note the slight marmorated pattern on the leaves.
coll.Idei B-10A, cult. Wongso
photo Wongso
Spathe with a rather oblique limb of the spathe.
coll.Idei B-10A, cult. Wongso
photo Wongso
The limb of the spathe opens with about a halve
turn in the lower part and ends in a long tail.
coll.Idei B-10A, cult. Wongso
photo Wongso
Opened kettle. The styles of the female flowers
are relative long.
coll.Idei B-10A, cult. Wongso
photo Wongso
Cultivated plant with cathaphyls.
coll.Idei B-10A, cult B 1057
Alcohol preserved plants for further
distribution as the TYPE material.
coll.Idei B-10A
The lower part of the inflorescence, the tube is
almost absent (the ruler in cm).
coll.Idei B-10A
Detail of the collarzone and the lower part of
the limb of the spathe (alcohol preserved plant).
coll.Idei B-10A
An already fruiting specimen potted for further
coll.Idei B-10A, cult, Budianto
photo Budianto
Opened fruit, showing the seeds. Note that the
peduncle remains very short in this case.
coll.Idei B-10A, cult, Budianto
photo Budianto
Drawing of C. ideii in Aqua Planta
coll.Idei B-10A
drawing Line Jacobsen
Known distribution of C. ideii in
Central Kalimantan.
Cryptocoryne ideii is known from just one locality where it grows together
with C. fusca. There are strong indications that a
few other collections from Kalimantan, quite distant from the type locality, may refer to
the this species.
C. ideii is rather easy to grow and it may be a good aquarium plant.
Updated March 2008 |
- Arends, J.J., Bastmeijer, J.D. & Jacobsen, N. 1982:
Chromosome numbers and taxonomy in Cryptocoryne.
- Nordic Journal of Botany 2: 453-463.
- Bastmeijer, J.D. 1993: Das Pflanzenporträt: Cryptocoryne fusca De Wit. - Aqua-Planta 18(3) :
- Bastmeijer, J.D. & Kettner, C. 1993: Die Cryptocorynen von
Yahalawatta (Sri Lanka). - Aqua-Planta 18(1) : 30-31.
- Bastmeijer, J.D. & Morco, H. 2000: Cryptocoryne pygmaea Merrill (Araceae) von Busuanga
und Palawan (Philippinen). - Aqua-Planta 25(3) : 99-107.
- Budianto, H. & Bastmeijer J.D. 2004: Eine neue Cryptocoryne-Art (Araceae) aus Kalimantan
(Indonesien). – Aqua Planta 29(4): 124-130.
(Document service)
- Jacobsen, N. 1982: Cryptocorynen. Alfred Kernen Verlag,
- Jacobsen, N. 1985: The Cryptocoryne (Araceae) of Borneo. - Nordic Journal of Botany 5: 31-50.
- Ørgaard, M. & Jacobsen, N. 1998: SEM study of surface structures
of the spathe in Cryptocoryne and Lagenandra (Araceae – Aroideae -
Cryptocoryneae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 126: 261-289.
- Wit, H. C. D. de 1990: Aquarienpflanzen. 2.ed. Verlag Eugen Ulmer,