Cryptocoryne lingua Engler |
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The limb of the spathe of Cryptocoryne
lingua has a broad opened yellow throat with distinct red dots. The top of the limb
is narrow ( a tail ) and is mostly opened in the lower part.
coll. hort., cult B 602 |
C. lingua has even green leaves without
any spur of purple. It grows in the freshwater tidal zone of Sarawak. The inflorescence
has a short tail, which bend forward after some days.
coll. hort., cult B 602
A, by Niels Jacobsen cultivated C. lingua.
The tail is opened to its very end. The red upper part of the limb has a strong
contrast to the yellow lower part.
coll. hort., cult. NJ 2614
photo Jacobsen |
A very nice by Tom Barr cultivated C. lingua.
Note the bending tail, what usually happens after a couple of days. The tube is relative
stongly twisted.
coll. hort., cult. Barr
photo Barr
A length section of the lower part of the tube
(the kettle). Note that the top of the spadix is free from the wall (unusual) and is a bit
displaced. Inside the tube upwards there are fine red dots.
coll. hort., cult B 602
After pollination, the female flowers form a
fruit. It ripens slowly in a couple of months and the peduncle grows out to more than 5 cm
(2"). Reinhard Eichner is able to have these plants selfpollinated!
coll. hort., cult. Eichner
photo Eichner
Opened fruit, showing the five parts containing
the seeds.In this case there are very few seeds, mostly you might expect around 20 seeds.
Note the length grooves on the seed.
coll. hort., cult. Eichner
photo Eichner
A wild collected C. lingua from Sarawak
by Niels Jacobsen in 1978. Note the moist paper. The plants are wrapped in it and packed
in a plastic bag. Its eassily hold for two weeks.
coll. NJ 7840, cult B 315
Habitus of C. lingua with spoon shaped
leaves. The top of the leave is often almost rounded. Note the bud with a twisted top
between the leaves.
drawing Ike Zewald
Engler described C. lingua in 1879 from
material collected by Odoardo Beccari, the famous Italian collector. Beccari's collections
are in Florence, where is 'his' museum.
drawing Pohl/Engler
Engler described another plant collected by
Beccari as C. spathulata. The plant has a distinct cordata base of the leave
(also seen in C. versteegii). Most authors regard this name as a synonym of C.
drawing Pohl/Engler
Distribution of C. lingua in Sarawak
(Borneo). There are some well known localities, see f.e. Horst and Schulze. Jacobsen
(1980) put some more details on the freshwater tidal zone as a 'nice' for some Crypts.
Cryptocoryne lingua grows in Sarawak, Borneo. The plant has a striking
resemblance in the vegetative parts to C. versteegii,
the latter however originates from New Guinea. Chromosome numbers are different, 2n = 36
for C. lingua and for C. versteegii 2n = 34 and (of course) the
inflorescence. Nevertheless it would be interesting to see the variation in C. lingua.
Reports on cultivation are very diverse. Most growers report that C. lingua is
difficult to grow on the long term. But for example, Munich Botanical Gardens maintains a
container of one square meter, full with C. lingua, for years. They use pure loam
as substrate. Some aquarists easily grow them submersed for years but others cannot keep
them alive for a month.
Updated January 2001 |
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- Merrill, E.D., 1921. A Bibliographic Enumeration of Bornean Plants. Journal of the Straits
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- Möhlmann, F., 1980. Warum gedeihen einige Cryptocoryne Arten nur schlecht oder auch gar
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- Mühlberg, H., 1980. Das grosse Buch der Wasserpflanzen. Dausien, Hanau.
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- Ridley, H.N., 1905. The Aroids of Borneo. J.Str.Br.Roy.As.Soc. 44 : 169-171.
- Roe, C.D., 1967. A manual of aquarium plants. Shirley aquatics Ltd.
- Sadilek, V., 1967. Neue Cryptocorynen II : Cryptocoryne lingua Beccari ex Engler. DATZ 20
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- Schulze, J., 1967. Beobachtungen über Wasserpflanzen in einigen südostasiatischen
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- Schulze, J., 1971. Cryptocorynen aus Sarawak I-IV. DATZ 24 : 230-233, 267-270, 303-306.
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