by Jan D. Bastmeijer ~ 2016
Updated by Suwidji Wongso & Co.
These pages are on the cultivation and taxonomy of plants of the genus Cryptocoryne & Lagenandra (Araceae)
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HOME >Cryptocoryne nurii "Pijoan"

Cryptocoryne nurii Furtado "Pijoan"

This species popped up together with C. species "Pelan" around 2005 in Japan from where it was distributed all over the world. It is said that it was collected in Pijoan, Jambi province, Sumatera. It was never recollected as far as I know. The plant resembles the broad leaved nurii's from the Riau Archipellago province of Sumatera and in Pahang in the Malay peninsula, but has a typical twisted limb of the spathe. The pollen fertilty is zero (0) therefore is it suspected to be of hybrid origin.

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Cultivated in shallow water on leaf litter of the beech tree (Fagus sylvatica).
coll. JP0502, cult. B1124
Leaves smooth to slight bullate, margin smooth to unregular undulate.
coll. JP0502, cult. B1124
The limb has a rough surface but has not the prominent outgrowths as seen in C. nurii var. nurii.
coll. JP0502, cult. B1124
Note the left or right twist of the limb. A general feature in Cryptocoryne (on a 50 50 base)
coll. JP0502, cult. NJ
photo Jacobsen

The colour of the leaves may vary from green to brownish-green.
coll. JP0502, cult. NJ
photo Jacobsen

Lower side of the leaves pale green.
coll. JP0502, cult. NJ
photo Jacobsen
More or less regular bulged.
coll. JP0502, cult. B1124
With striking depressions on the limb - not usual.
coll. JP0502, cult. SW
photo Wongso

The sidewards opening of the tube is typical nurii like.
coll. JP0502, cult. B1124
Opened kettle. The entrance is deep red, shiny by reflection.
coll. JP0502, cult. B1124
The flap (valve) damaged by the cutting.
coll. JP0502, cult. B1124
Small, yellow olfactory bodies.
coll. JP0502, cult. B1124

There are reports from Japan that the colour of the limb also can be bright yellow with small red dots. This is a well known phenomen when red dots 'grow' and the yellow base may even disappear. It is also known for example in C. minima.

February 2016


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