by Jan D. Bastmeijer ~ 2016
Updated by Suwidji Wongso & Co.
These pages are on the cultivation and taxonomy of plants of the genus Cryptocoryne & Lagenandra (Araceae)
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HOME >Cryptocoryne nurii 'Platinum'

C. nurii Furtado 'Platinum'

(Document service)

The cultivar 'Platinum' is found on Lingga island in the Riau Archipellago province of Sumatra. Each stream has several patches with the broad leaved C. nurii var. nurii. This special one has white veins as a permanent character and is therefore attractive for aquarists. In 2014 Kettner described this cultivar.

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Habitat pictures of C. nurii 'Platinum' made by Kazuya Nakamoto. In this stream many other patches are found with 'normal' leaves, spatha color varying from yellow to dark red.
coll. KN IL-19<
photo Nakamoto
C. nurii 'Platinum', emerged at low water.
coll. KN IL-19
photo Nakamoto
An in beech tree leaf litter cultivated C. nurii 'Platinum'.
coll. KN IL-19, cult. B1346
Close up of the white venation of a leaf of C. nurii 'Platinum'.
coll. KN IL-19, cult. B1346
C. nurii 'Platinum' with a yellow base limb with many small red dots, giving an orange appearance.
coll. KN IL-19, cult. B1346
C. nurii 'Platinum' with a yellow limb with only a few red dots on it.
coll. KN IL-19, cult.,photo Kettner
C. nurii 'Platinum' in 'Becherkultur' with beech tree leaflitter...
coll. KN IL-19, cult. photo Kettner
... and seen from above.
coll. KN IL-19, cult.,photo Kettner
A still closed spatha of C. nurii 'Platinum' showing the typical nurii bulge.
coll. KN IL-19, cult.,photo Kettner
C. nurii 'Platinum', like other nurii's, has its opening at the side. The ruler is in cm.
coll. KN IL-19, cult. B1346
Opened kettle of C. nurii 'Platinum'
coll. KN IL-19, cult. B1346
Only known from Lingga island, Riau Arch. prov., Indonesia

C. nurii 'Platinum' is easy to grow in a sligth acid substrate. Another example of a cultivar is C. siamensis var. siamensis 'Rosanervig', The white veins are also seen in C. nurii var. raubensis.

Updated January 2016

Literature. (see more literature at the nurii-group):

  • Kettner, C., 2014. Cryptocoryne nurii 'Platinum' - eine wunderschöne neue Pflanze von der Insel Lingga. Aqua Planta 39(3): 93-97. (Document service)
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