Habitat of Cryptocoryne villosa in
central Sumatra where Wongso collected the plant in 2004. Note the submersed plants down
coll. SW0405
photo Wongso |
The same habitat. None of the plants flowered.
It is not known if they also grow emerged on the banks.
coll. SW0405
photo Wongso
In 1985, Jacobsen and Bogner found C.
villosa. The bottom is apparently strong enough to have Bogner stand on one leg.
coll. NJ 85-22
photo Jacobsen |
The first, in 1979 by S. Jähn collected plants
of C. villosa. Note the long white part of the petioles, indicating that they are
deep rooted, probably in a soft substrate of decaying debris.
coll. Jähn s.n.
photo Möhlmann |
The 1985 plants developed very good in emersed
cultivation, but not for very long.
coll. NJ 85-22, cult. B522 |
A more stable submerged culture in 'beech tree
litter' of C. villosa (big smooth green leaves at left), C. griffithii (marmorated leaves) and C. minima (bullated leaves).
coll. & cult NJ 85-22
photo Jacobsen
The first known inflorescence of C. villosa with the amazing limb of the spathe.
coll. Jähn s.n., cult. NJ 3107
photo Jacobsen |
Almost the same picture as left. The plant is
cultivated emersed in pots, in shallow water..
coll. & cult. SW 0405
photo Wongso |
The limb of the spathe. Note the small tail of
the limb.
coll.& cult. SW 0405
photo Wongso |
The limb again ...
coll.& cult. SW 0405
photo Wongso
and again.
coll.& cult. SW 0405
photo Wongso |
The limb of the spathe bend (always?) forwards
after some time.
coll.& cult. SW 0405
photo Wongso |
The spathe reach up to 25 cm.
coll.& cult. SW 0405
photo Wongso |
Limb of the in 1985 collected C. villosa.
coll. & cult. NJ 85-22
photo Jacobsen
The distinct red dots in the throat and the open
margin of the seam of the tube are also seen in C.pallidinervia (the latter from
Borneo) .
coll. Jähn s.n., cult. M
photo Möhlmann |
The limb is densely covered with hairs, not
known in any other species of Cryptocoryne.
coll.& cult. SW 0405
photo Wongso |
Length section of the lower part of the
inflorescence (the kettle).
coll. Jähn s.n., cult. M
photo Möhlmann |
Idem, a white inside wall, a yellowish valve
over the male flowers, rounded stigma's.
coll.& cult. SW 0405
photo Wongso
A nice drawing of C. villosa is found
in de Wit(1990). Note the detail of the haired limb.
drawing Ike Zewald |
Distribution of C. villosa on Sumatra
(Indonesia). Central Sumatra is a very interesting locality, you find here also C.
scurrilis and C.longicauda. |
Cryptocoryne villosa is still a very rare species. It has a very narrow
distribution and by that, it may be a threatened species. Today cultivation techniques are
improved and we may hope that it propagates soon. But it is certainly not a 'good'
aquarium plant.
Updated February 2006 |
- Jacobsen, N., 1980. A new species of Cryptocoryne from
Sumatra. Aroideana 3/4 : 118-119
- Jacobsen, N., 1981. Eine neue Cryptocoryne aus Sumatra. Aqua-Planta 2-81 : 38-40.
- Jacobsen, N., 1982. Cryptocorynen. Alfred Kernen Verlag, Stuttgart.
- Jacobsen, N., 1992. Die Kultur einiger schwieriger Cryptocoryne-Arten in Buchenlauberde.
Aqua-Planta 1-92 : 18-25.
- Möhlmann, F., 1982. Cryptocorynen - Problempflanzen ? Aqua-Planta 1-82 : 6-7.
- Möhlmann, F., 1987. Ein Neuer Wasserkelch: Cryptocoryne villosa.Aquarien-Magazin (1) :
- Möhlmann, F., 1990. Zur Kultur von Cryptocoryne villosa Jacobsen. Aqua-Planta
15(4): 141-142.
- Wit, H.C.D.de, 1990. Aquarienpflanzen, 2. Auflage. Ulmer, Stuttgart. ISBN 3-8001-7185-6.