Cryptocoryne walkeri Schott |
Cryptocoryne walkeri is a well known aquarium plant for many years. Its origin is Sri Lanka. The last decades more and more new 'forms' were imported, closing the gaps between - till then - close related species C. lutea and C. legroi. Here, C. walkeri is interpreted as a rather broad
species. Even then, it is sometimes difficult to make a decision whether or not a specimen
belongs to C. walkeri or not. The basic characters for C. walkeri used
here: a relative narrow limb of the spathe, the limb yellow to greenish yellow and a
throat of about the same color. The collar or 'collarzone' is more or less pronounced.
Click on the picture to get the full image (ca. 50 kB) |
A 'classical' C. walkeri with dark bronze-green
leaves with a purple lower side. As all common Sri Lanka species, they are easy to
coll. hort., cult. B30 |
The limb of the spathe is relative narrow. The top is mostly
a bit folded. This specimen has a rather distinct collar. Note the reddish color inside
the tube.
coll. hort., cult. B30
The female flowers (lower part) are rounded, not seen in
other species, but it is not present in all C. walkeri plants. Note the alveoli
(windows) in the kettle wall.
coll. hort., cult. B30 |
This plant has a purple red upperside of the leaves, making
them very attractive for aquarists. The limb is distinct yellow and lacks a pronounced
coll. hort., cult. B662 |
This C. walkeri ("lutea") has rather short
leaveblades on the stem. Mostly the blades have a typical red venation on the lower side.
coll. hort., cult. B671 |
The limb of this (older) spathe is somewhat folded back at
the edges and has a distinct twist in the upper part of the limb. Note that this specimen
has a wide collarzone.
coll. hort., cult. B671
A typical limb of C. walkeri. There is not a
distinct collar but a clear to see collarzone. Note again the fold at the top of the limb
and the reddish color inside the tube.
coll. hort., cult. B671 |
Another view inside the kettle. The female flowers are not
rounded, the styles are a bit longer and the olfactory bodies (above the female flowers)
are rather big.
coll. hort., cult. B91 |
The collarzone on this limb is amazing high positioned on the
limb but the best deal may be to say it is a C. walkeri.
coll. hort., cult. AB
photo Boorsma |
A brownish limb of the spathe. Note the somewhat denticulated
edges of the limb and the reddish inside color of the tube.
coll. hort. cult. W
photo van Wijngaarden
A green limb of the spathe an a pale throat. The collar is
rather well developed.
coll. & cult. NJ 74-21
photo Jacobsen |
Locality of C. walkeri where it grows on the banks
of this river.
coll. NJ
photo Jacobsen |
De Wit (1990) gives several drawings of
this plant and the synonyms. This one is described as C. walkeri.
drawing Ike Zewald |
A drawing of C. lutea
drawing Ike Zewal
A drawing of C. legroi.
drawing Ike Zewald |
Distribution of C. walkeri on Sri
Lanka. |
See also the pages for C. beckettii, C. undulata and C.
wendtii for comparison, the differences can be rather small.
Updated January 2002 |
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- Alston, A.H.G., 1938. Cryptocoryne, Lagenandra. The Kandy Flora : 68, fig.363-367.
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