by Jan D. Bastmeijer ~ 2016
Updated by Suwidji Wongso & Co.
These pages are on the cultivation and taxonomy of plants of the genus Cryptocoryne & Lagenandra (Araceae)
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Cryptocoryne "Yellow Ring"

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Nakamoto found in 2010 a new hybrid in Pahang, W. Malaysia. As the plant has sterile pollen and no fruits are known, it is assumed that it is a natural hybrid, probably between C. cordata var. cordata and C. nurii. As it not feasible to name all hybrids (there are really many natural hybrids) I suggest to use Nakamoto's nickname "Yellow Ring".

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A patch of the "Yellow Ring" Cryptocoryne in a stream in Pahang.
coll. KN 005
photo Nakamoto
Another patch. Half shade. The pH of the water lies between 5 and 6.
coll. KN 005
photo Nakamoto
Flowering in the dry season, half emerged with bright green, broad ovate leaves.
coll. KN 005
photo Nakamoto
The limb of the spathe is bright yellow with a pronounced collar and a rough limb.
coll. KN 005
photo Nakamoto

A cultivated plant, still in bud. The outside of the limb is rather greenish.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
The tube of the spathe grows much further out of the water before opening.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
A cut off spathe before preserving it for the herbarium.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
A very fresh spathe with the small tail upright. A few red spots are seen in the throat. Note the outgrowths on the left margin, often asymmetrical.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
A few hours after opening of the limb, it already folds back. Outgrowths on both sides of the limb.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
The opened kettle. There is no significant difference with C. cordata var. cordata.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
A close up of the male flowers and the white appendix, pulled from behind the flap.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
The female flowers at the bottom of the kettle with an inner circle with the yellowish olfactory bodies.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
A few days after opening the top and the margins of the limb of the spathe bends far downwards.
coll. KN 005, cult SR 361
photo Reitel
Upper side of the leaves, left C. cordata var. cordata, right C. "Yellow Ring".
coll. Mie 06-10, KN 005
Idem, the lower side. They are almost the same.
coll. Mie 06-10, KN 005
Distribution of the "Yellow Ring" Cryptocoryne in Pahang,West Malaysia.

Cultivation of the "Yellow Ring" Cryptocoryne is easy in an acid substrate like beech tree leaf litter.

November 2012


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