A patch of the "Yellow Ring" Cryptocoryne in a stream in Pahang.
coll. KN 005
photo Nakamoto |
Another patch. Half shade. The pH of the water lies between 5 and 6.
coll. KN 005
photo Nakamoto
Flowering in the dry season, half emerged with bright green, broad ovate leaves.
coll. KN 005
photo Nakamoto |
The limb of the spathe is bright yellow with a pronounced collar and a rough limb.
coll. KN 005
photo Nakamoto
A cultivated plant, still in bud. The outside of the limb is rather greenish.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
The tube of the spathe grows much further out of the water before opening.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
A cut off spathe before preserving it for the herbarium.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
A very fresh spathe with the small tail upright. A few red spots are seen in the throat. Note the outgrowths on the left margin, often asymmetrical.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
A few hours after opening of the limb, it already folds back. Outgrowths on both sides of the limb.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
The opened kettle. There is no significant difference with C. cordata var. cordata.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
A close up of the male flowers and the white appendix, pulled from behind the flap.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
The female flowers at the bottom of the kettle with an inner circle with the yellowish olfactory bodies.
coll. KN 005, cult. B 1400
A few days after opening the top and the margins of the limb of the spathe bends far downwards.
coll. KN 005, cult SR 361
photo Reitel |
Upper side of the leaves, left C. cordata var. cordata, right C. "Yellow Ring".
coll. Mie 06-10, KN 005
Idem, the lower side. They are almost the same.
coll. Mie 06-10, KN 005 |
Distribution of the "Yellow Ring" Cryptocoryne in Pahang,West Malaysia. |
Cultivation of the "Yellow Ring" Cryptocoryne is easy in an acid substrate like beech tree leaf litter.
November 2012 |
- Nakamoto, K., 2012, http://cryptoandbetta.blogspot.com/search/label/C. sp Malay Peninsula%20 1 "Yellow Ring"
- Reitel, S., 2011, Cryptocoryne sp. "Yellow Ring", eine Neuheit aus Pahang, Malaysia. Aqua-Planta 36(4): 124-127. (Document service)
- Wang, T.S., 2012, http://illumbomb.blogspot.com/2010/09/c-sp-yellow-ring-pahang-7-bukit-ibam.html