by Jan D. Bastmeijer ~ 2016
Updated by Suwidji Wongso & Co.
These pages are on the cultivation and taxonomy of plants of the genus Cryptocoryne & Lagenandra (Araceae)
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Key for the Cryptocoryne crispatula group

Key for the 'crispatula group' according to Jacobsen (1991).
1. Limb rarely exceeding 2.5 cm, more or less recurved (to spirally twisted, with a short appendage). Opening of the limb of the spathe usually distinctly dilatated. Markings on the limb irregular, line-like to circular, brownish  (to reddish). Leaves green to brown, 10 - 30 cm long, smooth. neither undulate nor denticulate at the margin .......... C. albida
1. Limb usually more than 3 cm, more or less regularly spirally twisted. Opening of the limb of the spathe usually not dilatated. Markings on the limb more or less circular, large red spots, or, more or less regular line-like and purple. Leaves 10 -70 cm long, smooth to undulate to bullate or with a denticulate margin ..........2
2. Limb more or less open-spirally twisted, sometimes uncoiled. Markings on the limb irregular, line-like (to circular), purple. Leaves green to brown, smooth to undulate to bullate, 10 - 70 cm long .......... C. crispatula
2. Limb of the spathe usually more or less spirally twisted. Markings on the limb large, more or less circular, reddish. Leaves green to brownish, smooth to undulate, 10 - 40 cm long .......... C. retrospiralis
Key for the var's in C. crispatula by Zhou & al. (2010) after Li & Jacobsen (2010)
1a. Plants with short, rather stiff, upright emergent leaves (10 - 30 × 0.6 - 2 cm), submerged leaves short, terete, 2 -10 cm.
  2a. Spathe with a short, thick limb spiral, with distant to dense red spots .......... var. yunnanensis
  2b. Spathe usually with a long, thin / narrow limb spiral, with regular to irregular shorter or longer purplish to reddish lines (or rare, limb pure white) .......... var. crispatula
1b. Plants with long, flaccid-lax submerged leaves (20 - 70 × 0.2 - 4 cm).
  3a. Leaves 0.2 - 0.4 cm wide .......... var. tonkinensis
  3b. Leaves 0.5 - 4.5 cm wide.
    4a. Leaves 0.5 -1.2 cm wide, smooth to undulate .......... var. flaccidifolia
    4b. Leaves 1.5 - 4.5 cm wide, smooth to undulate to more or less bullate
      5a. Leaves 1.5 - 4.5 cm wide, smooth to slightly undulate along the leafmargin, spatha pure white ..........var. planifolia
      5b. Leaves 1.5 - 4.5 cm wide, more or less bullate, limb of the spathe with purple markings.......... var. balansae


  • Jacobsen, N., 1991. Die schmallblättrigen Cryptocorynen des asiatischen Festlandes. Aqua-Planta 1-91 : 2-33.
  • Li, H. & N. Jacobsen, 2010. Cryptocoryne in the Flora of China, Vol. 23: 20-22.
  • Zhou, H., H.W. He & N. Jacobsen, 2010. Eine neue Varietät der Cryptocoryne crispatula Engler (Araceae) aus der Provinz Guangxi, China. Aqua Planta 35(4): 134-138.

(all three articles can be downloaded from the Document service)

Jan D.Bastmeijer, update June 2012

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