A slow flowing stream near Khlong Sok, Thailand.
coll. NJTx
photo Jacobsen |
A dense mat of C. crispatula var. flaccidifolia in peninsula Thailand.
coll. NJT 02-04
photo Jacobsen
Between the cascades, the water level in the rivers is also in the dry season rather constant.
coll. NJT 02-09
photo Jacobsen |
Var. flaccidifolia is shallow water near Kapong
coll. NJTx,
photo Jacobsen
Low water and the banks falls dry. The leaves may survive.
coll. NJT 02-04
photo Jacobsen
On the banks near Kapong you see flowering var. flaccidifolia.
coll. NJTx
photo Jacobsen
Plants on the same rhizome, the left submerged, the right one emerged
coll. NJTx
photo Jacobsen
The flaccid leaves of a submerged growing plant.
coll. NJT 02-04
photo Jacobsen
The spathe of C. crispatula var. flaccidifolia has a long tube (to reach the water surface) and a more or less dense striped or dotted, twisted limb.
coll. NJT Tam Nang
photo Jacobsen
A collection of spathe's from the peninsula Thailand.
coll. NJT 02-04
photo Jacobsen
Aquarium picture of C. crispatula var.
coll. unknown, cult. Gasser
photo Gasser
An emerged grown C. crispatula var. flaccidifolia showing the soft, down bent leaves.
coll. unknown, cult. NJ 2984
photo Jacobsen
In emerged cultivation the plant has shorter, rather stiff leaves. The limb of the spathe (of this specimen) has only a few line markings.
coll. NJT 02-04, cult. B 898
The opened kettle showing the male (top) and the female flowers (bottom). Note the constriction of the upper part of the kettle.
coll. NJT 02-04, cult. B 898
Inside the circle of the female flowers you see the olfactory bodies.
coll. NJT 02-04, cult. B 898
Distribution of C. crispatula var. flaccidifolia.
As the differences with var. balansae are relatively small, probably a couple
of older collections must be added to var. flaccidifolia.
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. flaccidifolia is a good aquarium plant.
Plants sold in the pet shops as C. retrospiralis probably all refer to Cryptocoryne crispatula var. flaccidifolia.
For reference to the other plants and the literature see the page on the crispatula-group.
Updated February 2016 |