A bridge over the small tributary of the Kapuas River near Sekadau. The water level is low in the dry season.
photo Wongso |
Note the steep, bare banks of the stream, The water level may rise up to two meters during during the monsoon season.
photo Takahashi
Close-up of a patch of Cryptocoryne ferruginea var. sekadauensis.
photo Takahashi |
A big stand of Cryptocoryne ferruginea var. sekadauensis growing partly submerged. This will probably become fully emerged later in the season.
photo Takahashi
An uprooted plant of Cryptocoryne ferruginea var. sekadauensis with spathe and fruit.
coll. NT 0404
photo Takahashi
The brown-leaved hybrid plant is found more upstream. The spathe is the same as Cryptocoryne ferruginea var. sekadauensis.
coll. Kishi 'brown4'
photo Kishi
A close-up to the brown leaved plant.
coll. Kishi 'brown2'
photo Kishi
Even further upstream Cryptocoryne fusca is found.
photo Takahashi
Spathe of Cryptocoryne ferruginea var. ferruginea from Bonti with a thick tail and mostly open
coll. SW-09x, cult. B 1329
Spathe of Cryptocoryne ferruginea var. sekadauensis with a treadlike tail.
coll. SW 0905, cult. B 1318
Limb of the spathe of Cryptocoryne ferruginea var. ferruginea is mostly wider opened.
coll. SW-09x, cult. B 1329
Limb of the spathe of Cryptocoryne ferruginea var. sekadauensis.
coll. SW 0905, cult. B 1318
A longitudinal section of the kettle of var. ferruginea ...
coll. SW-09x, cult. B 1329
... and of var. sekadauensis
coll. SW 0906, cult. B 1319
Spathe of var. ferruginea (left) and var. sekadauensis.
coll. NT-BO2 / NT-SK2
photo Wongso
Var. sekadauensis cultivated in leaf mould of the beech tree.
coll. NT 0404, cult. NJ
photo Jacobsen
Herbarium sheet of var. sekaduaensis with spathe and fruit.
coll. NT 0404 (SK2)
mount by Takahashi
First flowering of Cryptocoryne ferruginea var. sekadauensis in cultivation.
coll. SDU-01
photo Kishi
Distribution of Cryptocoryne ferruginea var. sekadauensis
Distribution of Cryptocoryne ferruginea var. ferruginea
Cryptocoryne ferruginea var. sekadauensis is easy to cultivate emerged in a pot with a mineral soil with some leaf litter or half submerged in leaf litter of for example the beech tree. It is unknown if this plant is suitable for the standard (hard water) aquarium.
December 2013 |
Literature. (see more at the var. ferruginea page)
- Bastmeijer, J.D., H. Kishi, N. Takahashi, S.Wongso & N. Jacobsen, 2013. Eine neue Varietät der Cryptocoryne ferrruginea Engl. von Sekadau, West Kalimantan, Indonesien. Aqua-Planta 38(3): 84-93.(Document service)
- Bastmeijer, J.D., H. Kishi, N. Takahashi, S.Wongso & N. Jacobsen, 2013. A new variety of Cryptocoryne ferrruginea Engl. from Sekadau, West Kalimantan province, Indonesia.
The Aquatic Gardener 26(4): 33-38.